Virginie Bobin often works collectively, at the crossroads between curatorial and editorial practices, pedagogy and translation. Her research project for the PhD-in-Practice at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna (2018-2023) focusses on the political and affective stakes of translation in postcolonial France. In 2018, she co-founded (with Victorine Grataloup), the editorial and curatorial platform Qalqalah قلقلة, dedicated to the production, translation and circulation of artistic, theoretical and literary research in French, Arabic and English (www.qalqalah.org). In parallel, she collaborated with artist Mercedes Azpilicueta on her long-term project Bestiario de Lengüitas (2017-2023), leading up to a series of workshops, exhibitions and a publication. She has worked for international artistic institutions, including Villa Vassilieff and Bétonsalon – Center for Art & Research in Paris (2014-2018), Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art in Rotterdam (2013-2014), Les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers (2010-2013) and Performa, the New York Biennial of Performing Arts (2009). She was also an Associate Editor for Manifesta Journal (2011-2013) and has edited several collective publications. She regularly works as a translatress from English to French for museums and art centers.
Photo by Nour Bobin Soussi Chiadmi