Leigh-Ann is an educationalist who works at the University of Cape Town School of Education. She was raised in an anti-apartheid activist home, surrounded by radicals who taught her the value of critique and radical praxis. She trained as a teacher at the University of the Western Cape and, since then, she has worked both inside and outside of the formal education system. She was involved in #RhodesMustFall and #FeesMustFall struggles and formed part of the 2016 all women international flotilla mission that attempted to break the Israeli blockade of Gaza. She is interested in knowledge production outside of the confines of the academic project and is working collectively to try and develop daily pedagogies that confront the violences that are the reality of the majority of people on the planet, to work towards some form of resistance and repair. She continues to be actively involved in reimagining the university as an institution with the potential to radically change society.