The Funambulist 50 Featured

Redefining Our Terms

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Welcome to the 50th issue of The Funambulist. For the very first time, the magazine is published both in its original anglophone version and a brand new francophone edition. As such, it is not innocent that this issue tackles the question of language.

The achievements of a generation of activists and politically committed intellectuals to have our (anticolonial, antiracist, queer, feminist, among others) nomenclature surge into public imaginaries, has led to a dilution of this vocabulary’s political meanings. Each contribution of this issue thus proposes a subjective definition of a such a term, the issue acting like a useful glossary to reflect on our struggles. Leanne Betasamosake Simpson and Sabrien Amrov write to each other about the term Indigenous, while Mohammed Elnaiem and Cases Rebelles have a similar conversation around BlacknessRana Issa delivers a personal account of the three main terms of the Palestinian struggle for liberation: Nakba, Intifada, and SumudPetrus Liu affirms that Queer is of and from the Global South. Panashe Chigumadzi re-politicizes Ubuntu to demand reparations in southern Africa. Zoé Samudzi reflects on the thresholds that allow for state violence to be designated as Genocide. Verónica Gago proposes a Latin American feminist understanding of Violence while Sergio Calderón Harker invokes a similar pantheon of Abya Yala thinkers to strengthen the term DecolonialMathieu Rigouste defines Banlieues and Quartiers Populaires as key notions of the fight against the spatialized structural racism in France. Finally, Maïa Tellit Hawad offers us a beautiful account of the poetic and artistic work of her father, Hawad and his Furigraphies visible on the issue’s cover and in its pages.

You can read Léopold Lambert’s introduction to the issue here.

This issue only contains one news from the fronts: a textual and cartographic account of the Azeri settler colonization of Armenian Artsakh by Melsida Babayan.

Editor-in-Chief: Léopold Lambert
Head of Communications: Shivangi Mariam Raj
Advisory Board: Margarida Nzuzi Waco, Caroline Honorien, Nadia El Hakim, Flora Hergon, and Noelle Geller
Translators: Virginie Bobin (fr), Rosanna Puyol Boralevi (fr), Caroline Honorien (fr), and Chanelle Adams (eng)
Graphic Design: Adapted from a model designed by Akakir Studio
Contributing Copy Editor: Carol Que

This issue is now in full open-access. You can read each article’s online version by clicking on the features below.

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Thread of Translations

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