The Funambulist 12 Featured

Racialized Incarceration

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Racialized Incarceration constitutes a form of sequel to issues 4 (Mar-Apr. 2016, Carceral Environments) and 5 (May-June 2016, Design & Racism). This issue builds on these two precedents in demonstrating that incarceration is one of the horizons of processes of racialization and that architecture is an unsurpassable instrument of its enforcement. Through historical examples (concentration camps of Romani people in France, prison cities of Japanese and Japanese American people in the United States, an Aboriginal prison in Australia) and contemporary ones (US prison industrial complex, immigrant detention centers in Canada, Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon), The Funambulist’s 12th issue intends to illustrate how the violence of colonial and structural forms of racism endure time and materialize in space.

Editor-in-Chief: Léopold Lambert
Part-time assistant: Noelle Geller
Intern: Flora Hergon
Contributing copyeditor: Maxwell Donnewald

This issue is now in full open-access. You can read each article’s online version by clicking on the features below.

Past Issues

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The Night

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Bulldozer Politics

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Asian Imperialisms

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Colonial Continuums

The Space-Time of Persistent Coloniality in Britain, France, Germany, Portugal, the Netherlands, Italy, Belgium, and Spain

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Thread of Translations

Translating "Languages and Nation-States" by Yásnaya Elena Aguilar Gil into thirty non-hegemonic languages

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Prison Uprisings

Rebellions, No-Wash Protests, Hunger Strikes, and Spoon-Dug Tunnels in Kurdistan, Ireland, Chile, the US, Tunisia, France, Palestine, and Colombia