# (SCIENCE) FICTION /// La 2,333e Dimension & Le Processus by Marc-Antoine Mathieu


(1) Excerpt from Le Processus by Marc-Antoine Mathieu (Delcourt 1993)

This article is the last one in order to list and archive my references for the talk I gave this morning about the book as an object (see the recent posts about Borges and Bradbury). Once again, the universe(s) invented and drawn by Marc-Antoine Mathieu in his graphic novels fascinate me enough to write another article about them. This time, two stories, La 2,333e dimension (The 2.333th dimension) and Le Processus (The Process) that I will introduce more in detail in this next article. Until then, the following images are few of the beautiful/amazing/amusing/interesting/evocative frames that can be found in those two books. Once again, I feel sorry that only one of them has been translated in English and in German. I translated the ones presented here.

See the other links about Marc-Antoine Mathieu’s graphic novels:
–  Mémoire morte (Dead Memory) (Delcourt 2000)
La Qu… (Delcourt 1991)
L’Origine (Delcourt 1990)

Note that L’Origine, La Qu…, Le Processus, La 2,333e Dimension as well as Le Debut de la Fin are all part of the series Julius Corentin Acquefacques, prisonnier des rêves (Julius Corentin Acquefacques, prisoner of dreams)

(2) Excerpt from Le Processus by Marc-Antoine Mathieu (Delcourt 1993)

(3) Excerpt from Le Processus by Marc-Antoine Mathieu (Delcourt 1993)

(4) Excerpt from Le Processus by Marc-Antoine Mathieu (Delcourt 1993)
Trans: They were the pages of my story. My whole destiny was laying here, flat, written…and I had been given the opportunity to escape from it for an instant.

(5) Excerpt from Le Processus by Marc-Antoine Mathieu (Delcourt 1993)

(6) Excerpt from La 2,333e Dimension by Marc-Antoine Mathieu (Delcourt2004)
trans: I was dreaming that I was dreaming

(7) Excerpt from La 2,333e Dimension by Marc-Antoine Mathieu (Delcourt2004)

(8) Excerpt from La 2,333e Dimension by Marc-Antoine Mathieu (Delcourt2004)
trans: – Hey!! What’s this guy doing?
– He’s going too far!

(9) Excerpt from La 2,333e Dimension by Marc-Antoine Mathieu (Delcourt2004)
trans: – The Light!
– Yes Gentlemen! One day we will be acknowledged for what we are! Let’s not loose hope!
The day will come for which the world shall know that we exist, us the rubbish, the rejections, the forgiven of society!

(10) Excerpt from La 2,333e Dimension by Marc-Antoine Mathieu (Delcourt2004)
trans: – No!! They are not who you believe they are! They exist thanks to us! We are the sketches of future tangible worlds! Without attempts, no endeavor, no improvement! Without improvement, no finishes! And without finishes, no future!
– And without future?
– Nevermind!
Let’s live before wanting to exist! That is our drawing [dessin in French], hum our destiny [destin in French]!
– We have to get out of here!
I have an idea. Get ready to jump!
– To jump ?