# PHILOSOPHY /// Leper Creativity: Cyclonopedia Symposium I at the New School (NYC)


Parsons assistant dean, Ed Keller with Nicola Masciandaro andĀ  Eugene Thacker are organizing on March 11st, the first symposium around a book I have been writing about several time on this blog: Cyclonopedia by Iranian Philosopher Reza Negarestani.

The symposium is entitled Leper Creativity and the presentations will be organized in the following way:
Alisa Andrasek
-Embodied Patterns / Non-Human Agency in Design
Zach Blas
– Opening Queerness
Melanie Doherty
– Non-Oedipal Networks and the Inorganic Unconscious
Benjamin Bratton
– Peak Oil Apophenia & the Hyperbolic Archipelago
Alexander Galloway
– “Light” and Light
Perry Hall
Ed Keller
Kate Marshall Cyclonopedia as Novel
Nicola Masciandaro
– Gourmandized in the Abattoir of Openness
Eugene Thacker
– Black Infinity; or, Oil Discovers Humans
McKenzie Wark
– An Inhuman Fiction of Forces
Ben Woodard
– The Untimely (and Unshapely) Decomposition of Onto-Epistemological Solidity: Negarestani’s Cyclonopedia as Metaphysics

Previous article about Cyclonopedia on The Funambulist:
CYCLONOPEDIA. Complicity with Anonymous Materials by Reza Negarestani
Sympathy with the obstacle / Parkour in Gaza
Exhumation & Architecture in Cyclonopedia by Reza Negarestani