# ARCHIPELAGOS 01 /// Four Architects / Four Writers on November 22nd 2011 in Brooklyn


Pessoa, Dostoevsky, Kerouac and Artaud in one portrait

I am very happy to announce the first event of Archipelagos that I introduced few weeks ago (see previous post). This first gathering will trigger a conversation around literature as four architects, Carla Leitão, Martin Byrne, Sofia Krimizi and myself will briefly present a paper about four authors, respectivally Fernando Pessoa, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Jack Kerouac and Antonin Artaud. Those short presentations will be followed by an exchange between everybody who will have came in order to create an interesting conversation. While preparing this event, we also figured that a good way to maintain this discussion’s casualness -which pretty much constitute the spirit of those events- we will propose to people to bring their drinks.

This event will occur on November 22nd at 8:00PM  at 170 Tillary Street in Brooklyn (closest subway stations, Dekalb Avenue (Q,R,B), Jay Street (A,C,F) and Burrough Hall (2,3,4,5)). Since the space is not so big, we would like to have an idea of how many people will actually come; you can thus RSVP at the following email address (replace the the capital letters by symbols): archipelagosDOTfunambulistATgmailDOTcom

I will do my best to film the event and post it afterward on the blog as well as publishing the four presentation texts. We look forward to see you there.