# ARCHIPELAGOS 01 /// Four Architects / Four Writers


On November 22nd, we held the first event of Archipelagos, Four Architects / Four Writers which followed the only rule of this series, consisting in dedicating 50% of the time to an open conversation between everybody present. This post proposes to release the video of the four research reports as well as the audio track (sorry, we have been experiencing technical issues with the video) of the conversation that followed. I will then publish one by one the texts that were either read or used as a base of presentation.

The four research reports were the following (videos below):
JACK KEROUAC: The Rooms, the Dioramas, the Maps by Sofia Krimizi
ANTONIN ARTAUD: Sacred Matter by Léopold Lambert
FYODOR DOESTOEVSKY: The Tyranny of Logic, the Voice of Blood, and Inner Disharmony by Martin Byrne
FERNANDO PESSOA: Heteronyms by Carla Leitão

The conversation that followed those reports can be listened here:

Thank you very much to Ezio for filming, Adelle for recording, and Sofia and Kyriakos for hosting.

[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/33361688 w=600&h=336]

[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/33367257 w=600&h=336]
[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/33380981 w=600&h=336]
[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/33376118 w=600&h=336]
[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/33399881 w=600&h=336]