The Funambulist is a platform that engages with the politics of space and bodies.
Our hope is to provide a useful platform where activist/academic/practitioner voices can meet and build solidarities across geographical scales. Through articles, interviews, artworks, and design projects, we are assembling an ongoing archive for anticolonial, antiracist, queer, and feminist struggles.
The print and online magazine is published every two months and operates in parallel with an open-access podcast and a blog. The magazine can be ordered on this website or through our partner bookstores and libraries. And if you enjoy reading it and want to support the project, you can subscribe to it on a monthly or yearly basis (we have student discounts!). On the open-access side, you can also listen to our podcast, or read our blog.
– For general inquiries and subscriptions, email us here.
– For inquiries regarding press, sales and advertising, email us here.
– We commission directly our authors, but if you’d like us to know your work, you can contact us here (please just bear in mind we might not be able to answer, but we’ll definitely read your email).
– We receive many internship queries and take seriously the duty to train the few interns we welcome at the office, in Paris. Please note that as of now, we require applicant interns to be able to do some work in at least two of the following languages (English, French, Spanish). You can email us your query here.
“Publications are here to relay, produce and curate knowledge. As far as The Funambulist is concerned, the only important thing about this knowledge is that it can be useful to the political struggles with which it stands in solidarity.” – Archinect